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  • Master no-code automation with ChatGPT and AI

Master no-code automation with ChatGPT and AI

Tools, tutorials, and success stories for busy people...

Hi, I’m Graeme, for the last 6-7 years I’ve been heads down building automations for a multi-million dollar company. Now I’m sharing a weekly email that will help YOU build automations and tools that don’t require any coding skills.

- Graeme Sutherland

Automation of the Week…

ChatGPT Tutorial: Building an AI book recommendation site with Webflow and GPT-3

In this video, I will show you how I used ChatGPT by OpenAI to create a book recommendation site in Webflow. I will take you behind the scenes and show you what tools I used, what processes I followed and what my thoughts are on using AI to generate these types of sites.

No-Code Automation…

How You Can Automate Web App Testing with No-Code Using Preflight & Bubble

Learn how to automate user testing of your Bubble app with Preflight's extension and no-code testing platform.

Prompt Mastery…

12 INSANE ChatGPT SEO Prompts That Will Skyrocket Your Website Traffic!

In this video, I am excited to share with you 12 INSANE ChatGPT SEO prompts that will skyrocket your website traffic. I have personally curated these ChatGPT prompts for SEO to help you generate more clicks, views, and engagement on your website.

Automating Operations…

20 Effective Ways to Automate and Grow Your Business

There's more scope for automation in your business than ever before. With automation, you can schedule emails to be sent at the perfect time, follow up with leads that have abandoned their cart, sync data between apps, and notify team members of new tasks.

Content Automation…

How To Automate 99% Of Your Content Workflow (with Zapier, Airtable and Google Drive)

In this video, I will show you how to streamline the content creation process from start to finish. I’ll be covering:

  • Why automation gives you an advantage

  • The 3 different tools I use to automate our workflow

  • How I implement the tools to automate workflows

Marketing Automation…

Marketing Automation: What is it, Examples & Tools [2023]

Just call me Captain Obvious. But you can’t spend all of your time marketing. What if there was a way to simplify? Or even automate those repetitive tasks altogether? With the best marketing automation software, you can do just that.

Sales Automation…

Campfire Labs uses Copper to automate and eliminate tedious, manual tasks

How one account manager is transforming processes at this creative agency.

When Anna joined the team, she took some time to understand the current processes before introducing new solutions. But it didn’t take long to identify a few gaps. “Within a couple of months, I knew I’d really like to have a tool that could automate some of the things I was keeping track of manually, like follow-ups and visibility,” Anna says.

“For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11
